
"S" hOmE

Hello! My Name is Si Hui Ling , twenty one years old and come from Kuala Lumpur. I feel very happy because I can share my great feeling with my friends in this blog. I am just a simple girl. I do care for other people. I am thankful that I know how to appreciate things and people. My motto of life is "Do not give up no matter what happen" !

My hobbies included swimming, listening music and jogging. I also prefer watching Hong Kong Drama and Japanese Drama. I love enjoying watching fiction movies such as Harry Potter, Lords Of The Ring, Pirates Of The Caribbean and others. There are best animation movies that I would like to introduce such as Finding Nemo, The Shrek and Ratatouille. Let makes laugh in those movies, brighten up your life!

Surfacing net provides various types of information and enables us to download song or movie. One of my favourite websites is www.imeem.com because whatever kind of music you can able to find there to create own playlist without downloading song. Checking hotmail-www.msn.com is part of my “job” everyday. I always keep in touch with my friend though mail. There are some useful website such as www.google.com and www.yahoo.com. These search engines help us to find a lot of information regarding the assignment. I usually logs on www.facebook.com to find latest news of friends. That’s all my profile. Welcome my friends to give comment in this blog.


"H" hOmE

She is a straight and emotional girl. She loves seeing people smile. She can always lend a listening ear to her friend.

Yup, nice to meet you. I am the girl, Ho Jiayhi. I am 21 years old in this year and come from Johor Bahru which is a nice place, near Singapore. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman.

When I am free, I like watching blog especially my friends and others. This can update their information for me even though we seldom contact each other. It can improve our relationship. However, I am the learner of the blog. This is my first time write the blog. I am very excited.

Online is one of the favorite activities for student. When I open the computer, the first website which I will open is www.msn.com to sign in the MSN Messenger for chatting and discussing with friends and group members. I also always chat with my family by webcam. It is very convenient to me. www.facebook.com is an important website for me to get the latest news of my friends. I can find out those friends who already losing contact in the long time through the website. For doing the assignment and studies, I will visit www.google.com for searching the appropriate information. I think that it is a good search engine because it is very useful for me to search everything. Besides that, I like to watch the drama and some entertainment program. Since I come Sungai Long for studying, I started to use the www.youtube.com and www.ppstream.com to watch those. It can help me to update and release my stress. It is a very relax activity. I like to watch newspaper as I can improve my knowledge and let me know the world. As a student, I seldom buy the newspaper. So, the way of saving cost is read the newspaper by online. I always watch the news through www.sinchew.com.my.

Starting write our blog now. Hope you all often come here read our blog and gives some suggestions. See you.

"n" hOmE

Hi, everyone!!

Let me introduce myself. My name is jia yuan, still have 14 days to reach 21 years old. I come from Johor Bahru. Due to studying in Utar Sungai Long, I need to leave my lovely home for 3 years. Although I can’t stay in my lovely home with my dearest family, I still have 6 lovely housemates with me. I am very enjoying living with them. Currently I am pursuing my degree in Utar, taking Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting and will be completing in uni next year and still consider whether want to continue further with my study or not.

When I am free, I love surfing net and watch Taiwan or Hongkong drama. Besides that, I also enjoy shopping with my housemates in weekend. Next, I like to listen music which help me release my stress. I also like to watch movie but recently I need to cope with assignment, test and starting doing my thesis, so i have no time to watch the movie I like.

The website I visited the most is www.facebook.com. It enables me to interact with my friends because most of my friends are using facebook. So I can get the latest news from there and I will not lost contact with them. Besides that, I also found some friends whom i lost contact with in facebook and like to play the game in facebook. www.sinchew.com.my is another website I like to visit. I can know what things happen at the outside world and will not become a person wh has a very limited outlook and experience. I also visit www.hotmail.com frequently to check my mail. Furthermore, everyday I log into www.utar.edu.my to update the news released by Utar relevant officer. www.google.com is important for a student like me because I can search information I need in google which assist me in conducting assignment.

Lastly, this is the first time I write a blog. Therefore, hope everyone will enjoy seeing the blog. Have a nice day!!

"c" hOmE

Hi, I m Ching Bee Yan who 165cm tall, long hair, wear spec, dark skin. I am an easy going, easy smile, love to chat with others and active to participate activities. My borned place is Batu Pahat, Johor.I am youngest in my family which consists of 10 family members including me. I am accounting student who is pursuing third year of my degree course in UTAR.

I like to watch Taiwan, Korean, Japanese, Hong Kong drama. Hence my friends always called me as “Drama Queen” because I am able to watch drama whole day at home instead of going out having meal. Haha… I like to play badminton and exercise yoga during my weekend. Sometimes, I like to cook dishes and share my cooking experience with my housemate and friends.

After attending all class whole day, I always online at night. Of course, the first thing I log in to my laptop is sign in my MSN- http://www.msn.com/ and http://www.google.com/ which is the important communication tool for a student like me to chat and discuss assignment and homework with my friends. Then second website I always updated is my hotmail and my course- http://www.utar.edu.my/ in order to check latest news and information received from my different areas friends. Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/ is a website to help me find out the recent activities happen to friends and keep in touch with old friends. For those like to watch online drama like me, http://www.ppstream.com/ is more popular visited by people. That’s my intro and thank you to continue look at our enchanting blog for our further post.