
How to safeguard our personal and financial data?

Since the network plays an important role in nowadays, it also creates many problems, such as gaining access to personal data. In this fact, we need to have a safeguard to protect the personal or financial data such as:

Guard your password

It is better that do not use real personal data in our password. We also need to frequently change password or do not use the same password for all accounts. A strong password must have at least 12 characters long. For example, when payment by using the credit card. The credit card password can fulfill those requirements and entering the credit card verification code is a good way in preventing those data from being stolen during online shopping.

Deal with companies we can trust

As we know, when we purchase any items online, we need to give our detail to the seller. So, if we purchase the goods for an unsecured site, there is a high probability that our personal detail will be leaked out. Secured site is usually verified by a trusted third party, so their effort or ability in protecting the private and confidential information will be stronger.


Avoid accessing and disclose financial information in public

Resist logging on to check our bank balance when working from a coffee shop that offers wireless access. These systems are convenient, but also unknown. Casual users have no way of assessing how sturdy their firewalls are. We also cannot disclose any information to others.

Look for "locks"

How can we tell if our financial site is really secured before we log on? The

Web address should start with "https," instead of "http". Also, look for small lock icon in the lower-right corner of the browser window.

Don't open mystery attachments

Never open an attachment or cli

ck on a link sent to us by an unknown party. Attachments can contain viruses and links

can lead unsuspecting users to dummy sites where they are asked to input financial information.

Install and update firewall, antispyware and antivirus programs

Firewalls help keeping hackers from using our computer to send out our personal information without our permission. Protect ourselves against viruses and Trojan Horses that may steal or modify the data on our own computer by installing the antivirus programs. Using the antispyware programs to remove the spyware hidden in software programs may affect the performance of our computer and gives attacks to our data. For those programs to be effective, it needs to be set up properly and updated regularly.

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maggie chong said...

mmm...As a customer, we need to carefully protect our personal information to avoid other people stealing...those tips are very important.

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