
The threat of online security: How safe is our data?

Due to the booming in internet and technology in computer, internet access security in personal information become more and more important. When Internet users browse any websites which contain the damaging threats, the regarding threats would attack or destroy their computers. The damaging threats such as viruses, spyware, adware and identity theft are common occurrence.

As an accountable company, the company must safeguard customer privacy as it is particularly critical for the financial service company.

Hackers are not the only or even the primary threats. Hazards lurk within the company as well, and need not stem from any criminal intent. Therefore, protecting customer data more than just adding security features to corporate computer system but it also involves an organized and standardized approach to collecting, storing and using consolidated customer data.

To protect customer privacy from possible threats from hackers, there should be proper security penetration testing, network security certification and security vulnerability assessments based on which a particular hacker safeguard certification mark and the security seal is then attached to websites making it more secure and trustworthy in the services that are catered to clients and customers. The hacker safeguard certification mark appears on a website viewable by clients and visitors who can then rely on the site with utmost belief.

The assured hacker safeguard certification that is guaranteed to a site with the security seal, detects such as SQL Injection by means of built-in intrusion detection system, does the security penetration testing, provides network security certification and protects web servers against the latest phishing schemes. The website with comprehensive security, meets the highest published website security standards. Customer can then browse safely carry out trouble free checkouts and transaction without the risk of websites security breach.

Technology is a great help to keeping private data private. But technology alone can’t win the war. So, business processes, trainings and attitudes have to lead the charge so that technology can support them in the effort to protect financial data and monitor financial activity.

Another way for company to secure customer information is outsourcing security service. But company has to be careful not to outsource privacy completely, or to rely too much on the consultant to make important decisions. Turn to outside help for direction, but always remain of its own programme.

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yihui said...

as a customer, our personal information is very important,so company need to make sure that it is kept confidential,

merlyn said...

yaya,agree the above comment,our personal data is very important cant be leaked out!!

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