
Google is changing the world

Nowadays there are many companies dealt with EC, but no any company other than Google has much affected our life and work. As we know, Google is a useful search engine and targeted advertising tools. As a business, Google generates revenue by providing advertisers with the opportunity to deliver measurable, cost-effective online advertising that is relevant to the information displayed on any given page.

Google’s goal is to deliver technologies to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Therefore, everyone can obtain the information easily. To make simple for users to input and share data, Google is trying to reinvent the spreadsheet as a Web-based application because it is what most people use to organize. The program is designed to help people organize their own information and make it more easily accessible to others via the Web. Today, Google is researching the demand for Google Spreadsheet to work with Google Base, an online database service that allows Google users to post various types of information online. Besides that, many Web programs such as email, communication, and scheduling were provided by Google.

Enterprise search which identifies and enables specific content across the enterprise to be guided is another feature of Google. A crucial enterprise search issue is programming search engines to crawl through all the various data sources at a company and gather their contents. For instance, Oracle offers a search engine for enterprise system, such as ERP and CRM.

Kaiser Permanente is an organization which applies Google Search Appliance and it is the largest nonprofit health maintenance organization (HMO) in America. The amount of available medical knowledge has increased twice by every 7 years, so it is very important that updating the information in order to make sure HMO has provided good caregiving. The Google Search Appliance enables HMO to index more than 150000 documents across the network. Therefore, everyone can share the information around the World not only in US, doctors and nurses are also using Google search to obtain information which help them to diagnose and specify treatments, and also check for the effects by taking particular medication, they can consult clinical research studies when they face problem.

Source: Turban, E., King, D., McKay, J., Marshall, P., Lee, J., & Viehland, D. (2008). Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2008 (International Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Education International. www.prenhall.com/turban/


wei ling said...

Google is very important to me as a student.i need to use google to search information when i wan to do my project or homework.^^

zhi yan said...

yaya,i agree the comment above.if do not have google, our life will be difficult.

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